Our firm is pleased to offer a secure online service called LegalVault, which allows our clients to store all of their estate planning documents.
There are two levels of access to LegalVault, one level for health care providers only, and the other level for you and your attorney.
The most important level of access is for your health care records. When you enroll in LegalVault, we’ll give you a custom ID card so that if you become sick, disabled or incapacitated, a hospital can immediately access your health care power of attorney and living will. Hospitals will only have access to these documents, and no others. When someone is ill, the ability to access these documents immediately reduces error, and reduces burdens on family.
The other level of access is for you and for your attorney. You can store copies wills, trusts, financial power of attorney and any other documents that you wish. You can also provide instructions for your Executor directing him or her to where your original documents are located. The benefits of storing the documents online include ensuring authenticity, providing peace of mind, reducing clutter, and staying organized. At the appropriate time, when your executor needs access to your LegalVault account, your attorney will provide him or her that information.
Security is key, and LegalVault is proud to use sophisticated security systems on par with major banks security systems.
For more information about LegalVault or to enroll, simply call our office today at (215) 706-0200.