In 2010, we have more machines than ever. Many of us are addicted to our Blackberry's, laptops, netbooks, iPads and more. We conduct more transactions "online" than ever before.
As you grow older and the chance you become disabled or die increase, I worry more about your agent, executor and/or trustee having access to crucial online account data.
Let me take a step back... For the most part, a properly named executor will be able to access most online accounts that he or she is aware of.
The problem is that there are online accounts that the executor may have no idea about!
As an estate planning attorney, I can help you make the burden on your executor easier. First, I always provide my clients with a "vital document/account locator" which allows them to list this type of information in an orderly way. Second, we offer a service called LegalVault that allows our clients a secure way to store their estate planning documents online, as well as confidential online account information. All of this information can only be accessed once the principal is deceased or incapacitated.
This is one of several value-added services we offer all of our estate planning clients. For a complementary estate planning appointment, please call (215) 706-0200.