Estate Planning in Uncertain Times

When I assist people in estate planning, we look at many scenarios.  We plan for the “god forbids” and hope they never happen, but if they do, that they happen far down the road. Who wants to plan 20, 30 or 40 years out when their true concern is how bad or good...

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Five Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax Tips

Are you an Executor or Administrator of an estate in Pennsylvania, or are you worried about your estate being handled properly when you pass? If you answered yes to either, you must be concerned about Pennsylvania Inheritance Taxes.

Pennsylvania imposes an inheritance tax (some call it a death tax, but it shouldn't be confused...

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Talking To Your Agents About Their Role

One of the more challenging aspects of estate planning can sometimes be choosing our agents—who will manage our affairs when we become sick (power of attorney), and who will manage them when we die (executor of a will or trustee of a trust). Not only do we need to choose agents, but we...

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Are my IRA’s subject to PA Inheritance Tax?

IRA's (Individual Retirement Accounts) are retirement saving accounts created by law. Traditional IRA's allow for your money to grow tax deferred, and minimum distributions (based on your life expectancy) begin at age 70 1/2. Roth IRA's allow your money to grow tax free, and no minimum distributions are required. When you pass on and you...
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Ten Common Estate Planning Mistakes

As heard on our radio show on July 31, 2010.

Discounting the importance of your plan. Many people think they only need a “simple will”, Period. Every family requires an attorney who will carefully analyze their situation.
  Not hiring a “specialist” – letting a general practice attorney...
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Michael Jackson’s Estate

Last night's CBS 60 Minutes program featured a piece on Michael Jackson's estate. If you missed the tv program, check out the story by clicking the link below. Michael Jackson set up a trust for his mother to care for her during her lifetime, but the bulk of the estate will go to...

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Who should be my Executor?

The question is simple, and we hear it every day in our firm. Who should manage my affairs when I die? 

No doubt, it's not the most pleasant of subjects. No one enjoys planning for their death. But naming someone to settle your affairs when you go is crucial.  ...
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Living Trust?

Do you really need a living trust? Living trusts, also known as Revocable Living Trusts (RLT's) have been an on and off fad in Pennsylvania for at least the last fifteen years.

There appears to be a resurgence in the discussion about living trusts. Think Suze Orman, or the mailers you probably get emphasizing...

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Pennsylvania Probate Tips

Probate is the process of settling one's estate and the items/assets that were left through the individual's Last Will & Testament. In comparison to other states, Pennsylvania's process is easier. 

Here are a few tips regarding probate, which may be useful to you if you are an Executor of an estate:

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